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I would encourage you to do something every week to help with your personal preparedness. Learn something, buy something, teach something or do something. Doing a little each week will pay off .

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Organizing My Binders

View from the front of my binders above; View from the side below - shows how fat they are!

I have two preparedness binders, well, actually three.
1 - One is for recipes for cooking with storage items, it is so fat! I am so grateful to have all these recipes I have collected over the years from many knowledgable people.
2 - The second one is for preparedness preparation. Everything I have that I have collected or done research on is in this binder that helps me get prepared.
3 - The third is information that would be used in an emergency or disaster.
I have great info, but the past year we had three daughters get married, so my binders have been on the back burner. As I have found new info, I have shoved it inside the binder but not putting it where it belongs.
It has been a good thing to do this because it has reminded me of things I need to take care of and need to do.
Well today is the day. I have been working on them for hours and they are finally done. WOO HOO!
My thought for you as a reader, is to get your information together and get it organized so you have a ready resource if an emergency situation should arise.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so much like me. I love to get all my information organized into binders. I bet you have a lot of knowledge to share. I've been at it for 7 years.