It has been suggested that we get not only long term storage, but a three month supply as well. this is what is said in the Family Home Storage Pamphlet - a full copy is at .
Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week to build a one-week supply of food. Then you can gradually increase your supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items
should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage.
In our family meeting in March this was one of the items discussed. I was in charge of this part so I made up 90 days of menu ideas. In this post I am sharing my breakfast menu ideas.
I made up a list of 7 menu's and I figured out how much would be needed per meal then times that out by 12. These menu's aren't set in stone, but they do give me the needed supplies to make a wide variety of breakfast menu's as long as I have the basic supplies.
Right now this is for 3 people who are here at the house living. Obviously it would need to be adjusted if more or less are living here!
Oatmeal or Hot Cereal/Toast/Fruit/Milk (2 times per week)
3 boxes of oatmeal, one box powdered milk or evaporated milk, 1 carton honey, dried fruit, bread supplies***
Pancakes/Tang Drink or Juice/Fruit (2 times per week)
2 boxes complete mix, 2 bottles syrup, 1 container tang, 12 pints canned peaches
Cold Cereal/Toast/Yogurt/Tang
6 boxes cold cereal, 1 package rennet, 1 box powdered milk, canned or dried fruit for yogurt, 1 pkg tang
Breakfast or Coffee Cake/Hot Chocolate/Fruit
12 packages muffins to make into cake or br. cake supplies, 12 dried or 12 pints canned fruit, 6 packages hot chocolate
Muffins/Canned Ham or Bacon/Hasbrowns/ Hot Chocolate
12 pkg ready to mix muffins, 12 cans meat, 1 pacakge dried hashbrowns, 6 packages hot chocolate, use meat fat to cook hashbrowns
24 pkg muffin mix
12 cans meat
24 pints canned fruit or dried fruit equivalent
12 pkg hot chocolate
2 pkg Tang
2 pancake mix boxes
2 bottles syrup
6 boxes cereal
3 boxes oatmeal (or instant equivalent)
1 box powdered milk
1 pkg rennett
1 carton honey
1 gallon package dried hashbrowns
Bread making supplies includes for 2 loaves of bread a week for breakfast meal (Other meal amounts with that respecitve meal - not every breakfast meal has bread)
8 cups flour per week = 32 cups = 16 lbs.
1/2 cup pwdered milk reconstituted into 2 cups = 2 cups powdered (add to milk above)
1/4 cup oil x 4 = 1 cup
1 tbsp salt x 4 = 4 Tbs
3 Tbsp sugar x 4 = 12 = 1 cup
1 tbs yeast x4 = 4 tbsp
Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week to build a one-week supply of food. Then you can gradually increase your supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items
should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage.
In our family meeting in March this was one of the items discussed. I was in charge of this part so I made up 90 days of menu ideas. In this post I am sharing my breakfast menu ideas.
I made up a list of 7 menu's and I figured out how much would be needed per meal then times that out by 12. These menu's aren't set in stone, but they do give me the needed supplies to make a wide variety of breakfast menu's as long as I have the basic supplies.
Right now this is for 3 people who are here at the house living. Obviously it would need to be adjusted if more or less are living here!
Oatmeal or Hot Cereal/Toast/Fruit/Milk (2 times per week)
3 boxes of oatmeal, one box powdered milk or evaporated milk, 1 carton honey, dried fruit, bread supplies***
Pancakes/Tang Drink or Juice/Fruit (2 times per week)
2 boxes complete mix, 2 bottles syrup, 1 container tang, 12 pints canned peaches
Cold Cereal/Toast/Yogurt/Tang
6 boxes cold cereal, 1 package rennet, 1 box powdered milk, canned or dried fruit for yogurt, 1 pkg tang
Breakfast or Coffee Cake/Hot Chocolate/Fruit
12 packages muffins to make into cake or br. cake supplies, 12 dried or 12 pints canned fruit, 6 packages hot chocolate
Muffins/Canned Ham or Bacon/Hasbrowns/ Hot Chocolate
12 pkg ready to mix muffins, 12 cans meat, 1 pacakge dried hashbrowns, 6 packages hot chocolate, use meat fat to cook hashbrowns
24 pkg muffin mix
12 cans meat
24 pints canned fruit or dried fruit equivalent
12 pkg hot chocolate
2 pkg Tang
2 pancake mix boxes
2 bottles syrup
6 boxes cereal
3 boxes oatmeal (or instant equivalent)
1 box powdered milk
1 pkg rennett
1 carton honey
1 gallon package dried hashbrowns
Bread making supplies includes for 2 loaves of bread a week for breakfast meal (Other meal amounts with that respecitve meal - not every breakfast meal has bread)
8 cups flour per week = 32 cups = 16 lbs.
1/2 cup pwdered milk reconstituted into 2 cups = 2 cups powdered (add to milk above)
1/4 cup oil x 4 = 1 cup
1 tbsp salt x 4 = 4 Tbs
3 Tbsp sugar x 4 = 12 = 1 cup
1 tbs yeast x4 = 4 tbsp