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I would encourage you to do something every week to help with your personal preparedness. Learn something, buy something, teach something or do something. Doing a little each week will pay off .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Earthquake - Your Children

Today this is on everyone's mind as we have seen the pictures coming out of Chile. Our prayers and concers are with these people.

When it comes to EQ preparedness I don't know if we can ever be totally prepared, but there are things we can do ahead of time to help if this happens to us and our families.

When I was about 5 we lived in Salt Lake City, Utah. There was a huge earthquake. I remember trying to get to my mom's room. It was quaking so hard that by the time my brother and I reached the hallway that we were being thrown from wall to wall. My mom yelled to us to lay down. We did that until the shaking finished.
I would suggest if you have children to talk to them about what they do during the earthquake specifically. Let them practice it. Make it a fun night so they aren't scared. Going through this as a child and knowing the terror this created I know how little kids just try to get to their parents. We never talked about earthquakes and what to do if there was one and it was terrifying. If we had talked about it, I would have better known what to do.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What I Am Doing This Week ----Family Preparedness Organization

Since there isn't alot going on in our area with preapredness we decided as a family to make our own family preparedness organization. I am sharing how we have organized this to help give you some ideas and hopefully some motivation to do this if you aren't already. I can't get the table to come up so it won't be listed as one sorry!

Please look the months and see which months you have an assignment.
You have 15 minutes to cover whatever part of this you want to do. For example - Dad on Water - he can spend one time talking about purifying water, one time on how to find it if you don't have any on hand, one time on rotation and how to store, etc.
Your food assignment you do as a couple if you wish. You have 10 minutes to cover whatever info you want. You can send out e-mails, recipes, whatever you chose to do for your food area.
The meeting will be 60 minutes on Fast Sunday at 6:30 our time after dinner.
I will send you the number for the call on March 6. We will use this number each month if you aren't able to be here.
FYI - This first time the people who have an assignment are: Mesha, Ben, Kalea, and Mom/Dad.

· 15 minutes on each topic (45 minutes)
· 10 minutes on food for the month
· 5 minutes on questions that haven't been answered

DAD - Water - storage, gathering, purifying, rotation, etc.
MOM - Food - General Info - Storage, amounts, perserving, how to store, menu's, refrigeration,
MOM - Specific Disaters/Clothing/Boots/Sewing/- warmth, boots, repairs, protection etc. (Jonathan's wife will take this spot (wink wink)
BEN - Defense - guns, skills, knives, strategy, etc. BEN
KALEA - Moral - games, activities, conflict, books, etc. KALEA
BRENT - Transportation - physical condidtion. bikes, walking, repairs, cars etc.
ANDREA - Shelter - tents, bedding, tarps, etc.
JEFF - Sanitation /Personal Care/- soap, teeth, hair, - TP, Toilet, Washing etc etc.
MESHA - 1st Aid - Kit, knowledge, CPR etc.
JONATHAN - Heating/Lighting -
CASEY ? Obtaining Food – hunting/fishing and equipment
SHAYLA- Cooking

1st Aid Mesha
Defense Ben
Moral Kalea
Grain Mom/Dad

Cooking Shayla
Food Misc. Mom
Pers/San Jeff
Oil Andrea/Brent

Disaster/Clothing Mom
Transportation Brent
Shelter Andrea
Milk Mesha/Jeff

Heat/Light Jonathan
Obtain Food Casey
Water Dad
Sugar Kalea/Ben

1st Aid Mesha
Defense Ben
Moral Kalea
72 Hour Kits Shay/Casey

Cooking Shayla
Food Misc. Mom
Pers/San Jeff
Beans Jonathan

Disaster/Clothing Mom
Transportation Brent
Shelter Andrea
Leavener/Salt Mom/Dad

Heat/Light Jonathan
Obtain Food Casey
Water Dad
Spices Andrea/Brent

1st Aid Mesha
Defense Ben
Moral Kalea
Meat Mesha/Jeff

Cooking Shayla
Food Misc. Mom
Pers/San Jeff
Moral Boosters Kalea/Ben

Disaster/Clothing Mom
Transportation Brent
Shelter Andrea
Vitamins Shay/Casey

Heat/Light Jonathan
Obtain Food Casey
72 Hour Kits - Jonathan

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Garden Plans

If you have room for a garden, it really adds to your matter if it is a container or a plot, it is a key piece to your preparedness. The knowledge of how to grow your own food is invaluable. Now is the time where I like to start studying it out, planning the garden area and getting things ready for the weather to break.
We have a veggie garden spot, a place for strawberries, a place for raspberries, grapes, herbs and an orchard. Every year we expand and add new things. I use heirloom seeds. This year I would like to be totally self sustaining. You can follow my plans on my gardening blog as I progress through the season.
That link is: